New Ways to Make Better Trades
With Option Workbench 3.0 Options Analysis Software

Option Workbench 3.0 empowers you like never before to analyze option volatility, risk and trading strategies. The newest version of the popular software puts a wider array of tools at your fingertips – tools that give you more ways to reach the right decisions faster and construct smarter trades.

Using Option Workbench’s expanded capabilities, you can easily name filter formulas, test your trades against historical data and perform sophisticated what-if analyses. You can store filter formulas in the cloud and use them whenever you want. You can even see how price and composite IV interact over time for a given option.

To the best of our knowledge, Option Workbench’s price and composite IV trend charts cannot be found in any other option analysis software.

Option Workbench has another unique advantage – data from McMillan Analysis Corp’s Strategy Zone database. It uses the data to help you uncover opportunities, compare strategies, analyze scenarios and increase your profit and win ratios.

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Order Option WorkbenchA subscription to Option Workbench includes access to the Strategy Zone database, automatic updates and membership in the LinkedIn Option Workbench group.

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